Chapel Cottage | Gloucestershire

We developed a refreshing design evolution with this magnificent Chapel Cottage renovation project in South Gloucestershire.

The large bank of tall units is a key feature of the space - we successfully managed to reduce the visual weight of this run by introducing a split material pallet of black resin decor, combined with hand-selected smoked oak. Additionally, the part-open pantry unit adds a feeling of depth using polished ‘Sahara Noir’ backlit marble.

The freestanding island packs a big punch with tarnished brass drawer fronts and surrounding smoked oak & stone framing. Our intention was for the island to embrace a subtle retro aesthetic, and to stand out from the accompanying cabinetry as a central focal point within the room.

The island worksurface incorporates an accessorized channel behind the Bora hob. This trendy design feature includes bottle holders, a colander and rotating power sockets with USB - alternatives include digital weighing scales, Bluetooth speaker and wireless phone charger.